Beyond Jiffy Lube and Before the Numbers

People often talk about strategic alignment. About ensuring that an organization’s goals and objectives are in line (nay, “lign”) with its overall strategy. And that all aspects of the organization’s operations are working harmoniously to achieve said goals. Basically, aligning the mission, vision, values, and strategy with culture, structure, processes, and people. Critically important, ensuring that everyone in the company is rowing in the same direction, leveraging resources both effectively and efficiently to achieve its ultimate goal.

The Overlooked Alignment: Philosophical Alignment

But there’s another kind of alignment that’s just, if not more, important. And it’s not talked about nearly enough. Philosophical (fi·luh·saa·fuh·kl) alignment. The degree to which an individual’s personal values, beliefs, and principles align with those of an organization. Finding “your people.” The ones who believe in and champion your Mission. Your Vision. And your Values. It’s this kind of alignment that creates absolute magic. It’s palpable. You can actually feel the electricity in the air. Because having that shared sense of purpose and direction leads to so many phenomenal things.

The Impact of Philosophical Alignment

Increased Motivation

How about increased motivation? Employees who are amped up to come in and slay every single day.

Improved Job Satisfaction

And, improved job satisfaction. Feeling like they’ve made a valuable contribution, resulting in the overall betterment of the organization.

Commitment to Organizational Goals

And, commitment to the organization’s goals. Beyond determined to help the organization achieve its goals. Even on the toughest days.

The Magic of Shared Values

Because, when team members’ values and beliefs are aligned with those of their organization, they feel a sense of connection and purpose in their work. Leading to better engagement. Better productivity. And a willingness to go above and beyond their defined role. They can't help it. The vision pulls them. And that, my friends, is the real magic.

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    Tampa, FL 33606
    (813) 710-9327

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